Anonymity options

Feedback is a gift and it is an essential ingredient for improving your team. While some members might find it easier to express themselves directly to their managers or peers, others may feel less inclined to share their thoughts if their names are attached.

Giving your team the choice to contribute to the retrospective anonymously can highlight pain points and challenges that would have remained unspoken, initiate more effective two-way conversations, and allow your team to share new ideas in a judgment-free zone.

GoRetro offers the following anonymity options:

Hide Card Author

When creating your board you'll find the option to "Show card's author". Keep this option unselected to hide the card's author and make people feel more comfortable adding their feedback anonymously.

Pro Tips 🚀

Remember to remind your team that their contributions will remain anonymous to the rest of the team.

Once your board is created, you can still change this setting:

Hide Cards

By choosing to hide cards, each team member will only be able to view the cards he created. Other participants' cards text will be blurred out.

Hide Votes

Choose "Hide votes" to prevent members from seeing how many votes a card has, members will still be able to place their own votes