Coming Soon

Plan your next sprint with confidence

No need to juggle spreadsheets and multiple tools anymore, with GoRetro’s Task assignment you’ll be able to plan your sprint in one place. Coming soon!

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GoRetro - Task AssignmentGoRetro - Task Assignment
GoRetro - Task Assignment - Realistic planning

Realistic planning

Know exactly how much work can fit in your sprint and how much work is assigned to each developer.

GoRetro - Task Assignment - Know in advance

Know in advance

Don’t be surprised when the sprint starts, identify potential risks in advance and make sure you use your team’s resources to the fullest

GoRetro - Task Assignment - Integrate with your tools

Integrate with your tools

Integrate your project management tools, get realistic capacity indicators, your carry-over and backlog issues, with no manual updates.

One place to
plan a sprint

With your sprint backlog, capacity, estimations and carry over all in one place it’s easier than ever to plan a sprint. Assign issues to developers, see their available capacity, and know when you’ve planned more than your team can achieve.

GoRetro Task Assignment -  One place to plan a sprint
GoRetro Task Assignment - Commit with ease

Commit with ease

Each developer’s capacity is highlighted so when you assign too much work to someone you’ll see it instantly and can easily re-assign issues to someone else. When you make plans that are achievable  you double the chances of achieving your sprint goals and delivering business value on time.

Sprint analyzer

Our sprint analyzer will analyze the content of your sprint and will highlight potential risks. It is the key for balanced and achievable sprints. Additionally, you can share this summary with your stakeholders and managers to ensure maximum visibility.

GoRetro Task Assignment - Sprint analyzer
GoRetro Task Assignment - Fully automated Jira integration

Fully automated with
Jira integration

No need to juggle multiple tools and spreadsheets. With our Jira integration we import your sprint backlog, priorities and estimations and any change you’ll make will automatically update back to Jira.

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