Planning Poker

Improve sprint predictability with accurate estimations.

Confidently commit to sprint outcomes while eliminating guesswork. Keep your team engaged and motivated, and your stakeholders aligned.

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GoRetro - Planning PokerGoRetro - Planning Poker
GoRetro - Planning Poker - Improve Accuracy

Improve accuracy

Remove bias and include multiple opinions and perspectives to create precise estimations, considering all aspects of your tasks.

GoRetro - Planning Poker - Create alignment

Create alignment

Confirm all requirements are clearly defined, align on the complexity of each task, and define the development approach to save time.

GoRetro - Planning Poker - Increase engagement

Increase engagement

Create a learning opportunity for the team inside the game and turn estimations from a burden into a fun, engaging, and collaborative task.

Office or Remote -
Everyone’s invited!

Optimal for remote and hybrid teams - Set up a game and invite the team in just 3 clicks. Include multiple roles, seniority levels, and perspectives in the session to ensure you have all the relevant information to correctly assess the issues at hand.

GoRetro Planning Poker - Optimal for remote teams
GoRetro Planning Poker - Easily customizable

Easily customizable -
tailored to your needs

Customize the game cards to match your team’s unique estimation method (Fibonacci, T-shirt, Scrum, etc.) and set the result type you prefer, whether you prefer the average, the consensus vote, or the median.

Enhance the discussion,
capture highlights

Allow each participant to estimate without bias, before exposing the votes and starting an open discussion to align the requirements and the best action plan for the issue. Capture the highlights of the discussion as notes which will turn into Jira ticket comments to ensure clarity and save time when working on the issue.

GoRetro Planning Poker - capture highlights
GoRetro Planning Poker - Jira Integration

One click Jira integration -
to import and export your issues

Easily import your issues directly from Jira or use a CSV import from other PM tools to fetch your backlog issues with all of their data.  Once the game is finished and all the estimations are in place, easily export your issues back to Jira.

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