Card Tags

Tags are a great way to organize your team's feedback and keep track of recurring themes.  Examples of tags can be released, processes, quality, design, and many more. With GoRetro tags, you can easily :

  1. Create tags based on your team's unique themes and feedback
  2. Classify cards based on these topics and themes.
  3. Use your board's search tool to quickly find all the cards with a specific tag.

Adding a new tag

  1. Select the 🏷  icon on the right of your card
  2. Type in the tag name
  3. Click enter

Once you've added a tag it will be saved automatically so that you can easily use it again.

Tagging a card with an existing tag

  1. Select the 🏷  icon on the right of your card
  2. Type in the tag name to search for it
  3. Click on the relevant tag - any tag that is selected on the card will turn into the color of the card. Tags that are unselected, appear in grey.

Removing a tag

  1. Select the 🏷  icon on the right of your card
  2. Click the tag that you would like to remove - any tag that is selected on the card will turn into the color of the card. Tags that are unselected, appear in grey.