Polls 💎

In order to gather your team's feedback, as a retrospective facilitator you'll need be creative.  Moreover, it's important not to miss out on the opportunity to ask your team the most important questions. Polls are a quick and easy way to understand your team's thoughts and feelings.

With GoRetro, you can create polls in a matter of seconds and participants can vote to express their opinion.

Creating a Poll

  1. Select your board by clicking on it in the "Dashboard" tab
  2. Click on the polls icon on the right.
  3. Enter the poll name: this is the question or statement that will be the header of the poll.
  4. Enter the poll options: these are the answers that you and your team can select. Each option must be separated by comma.
  5. Choose the column you want the poll to be added to.
  6. Choose if you would like to allow multi-select.
  7. Click create 👏


Here are some useful examples to help you get started but there's really no limit to the questions that you can ask your team.

Team Weather - discover how your team is feeling using text answers or even emojis!

Team Processes - collect feedback about the processes and detect what needs to be optimized.

Team building - gather some information to improve the team's spirit and increase collaboration.