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Code is the mainstay of any company that leverages software systems.

The most standard mistake developers make while writing code is that they don’t invest in refactoring activities. And to write a good code, it is vital to go back to clean any messy code. Consequently, you’ll end up with more manageable, more readable code.

But what is refactoring, exactly?

What is Refactoring?

Refactoring, also referred to as “code hygiene” or “code surgery,” is a process of implementing small changes to your current code to enhance the internal structure. You apply these changes without modifying the visible external behavior. 

Refactoring is a way to restructure the code to improve it without impacting how it functions. Often, this process is leveraged to upgrade the current code and can considerably boost its quality and stability.

Why and When to use Refactoring?

The primary purpose of refactoring is to ensure the code is more maintainable and efficient. This is critical in minimizing technical costs, as it is better to clear out the code now rather than pay for expensive errors later. 

One instance where refactoring is needed is before you add any new features or updates to existing code. Cleaning up and going back to the current code before you add in new programming won’t only improve the product’s quality; it also makes it easier for future programmers to work with the original code.

Another time to consider refactoring is after supplying the product to the respective market. While this may sound challenging, it is the ideal time to do a bit of housekeeping. This way, developers get more time to work on refactoring before moving on to the next project.

What Are the Benefits of Refactoring

Here are some possible benefits of refactoring:


Making the code more extensible and maintainable is a continuous process as apps are upgraded and updated. Therefore, the existing code must be legible and accessible enough to lend itself well to this process. 

Refactoring the code can improve readability, which makes the debugging and QA process run more smoothly. A code that’s easy to comprehend benefits developers in terms of readability and understanding. Furthermore, refactoring makes bugs identification and quality assurance processes much smoother. And even though it doesn’t eliminate bugs, it can surely help avoid them in the future.


Another potential goal of code refactoring is that it leads to performance improvement. Refactoring may enable applications to perform faster or utilize fewer server capacities. This is a tangible benefit for the end-users directly after code refactoring.

Costs Saving

Refactoring activities also lead to cost reduction in the long run, as per the advantages listed above. Refactoring contributes to reusable design elements that can also be used for features in the new applications in the future. 

Well-structured code doesn’t require extended periods of time to transfer knowledge when it comes time for support or the involvement of another developer. In addition, code refactoring facilitates bugs prevention, implying cost and time savings.

Wrapping Up

Refactoring allows your company to save time and money during Agile software development and maintenance. It’s a pivotal part of coding and can help you write improved codes faster.

You can improve productivity and minimize workload, making the code easy to modify and read for other developers moving forward. Additionally, refactoring enables you to find bugs in the code that would have otherwise gone unobserved.

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