How Do Product Owners Contribute To The Vision?

GoRetro Team
April 27, 2023
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As a crucial member of any Scrum team, the product owner plays a key role in defining the product vision. The product owner is responsible for translating business goals into a product roadmap that aligns with the company's strategic direction. In this post, we'll discuss how product owners contribute to the product vision,  how to use a product vision board, and provide an example of a product owner vision.

What Is Product Vision?

A product vision is a clear and compelling description of the desired future state of a product. It provides a shared understanding of what the product is, what it does, and why it matters. A product vision helps the product owner and the development team stay focused on the big picture, and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal

Without a clear product vision, the team can easily get lost in the details and lose sight of what they're trying to achieve. A well-crafted product vision helps to inspire the team and guide their decision-making throughout the product development process.

The Product Owner As The Visionary Leader

The product owner is the visionary leader of the Agile team. The product owner is responsible for setting the direction for the product and ensuring that it aligns with the business goals. The product owner should have a clear understanding of the market, the competition, and the customers to create a product that meets their needs. The product owner should be able to articulate the product vision to all parties involved. This includes:

Inspiring The Team Towards The Vision

The product owner should also be able to motivate and inspire the team to work towards the product vision and inspire them to innovate and come up with creative solutions.

Inspiring team members to think creatively might involve encouraging them to challenge assumptions, experiment with new ideas, and take calculated risks. 

For example, a product owner might encourage the team to brainstorm ways to simplify a complex feature, or to explore alternative user interfaces that might be more intuitive. The product owner might also provide support and resources to help the team members develop their skills and knowledge, such as providing training or connecting them with mentors. 

It's been seen that allowing the team to come up with innovative and creative solutions themselves yields better outcomes compared to other ways of working that consist of product owners directly managing the team.

Using A Product Vision Board

A product vision board is a tool that helps the product owner visualize the product vision and ensure alignment with the business goals. The product vision board is a one-page document that contains key elements such as the product vision statement, the target customers, the business goals, the key features, and the value proposition. The product vision board serves as a reference for the Agile team and stakeholders to ensure that everyone is aligned with the product vision. The product owner can use the product vision board to communicate the product vision effectively and make informed decisions about the product roadmap.

Product Owner Vision Example

Imagine you are the product owner of a software tool designed to help people manage their finances. Your goal is to create a product that is easy to use, provides valuable insights, and helps people make informed financial decisions. 

To create a compelling vision for your product, you might start by asking yourself a series of questions:

  • Who is the target customer for this product?
  • What are the key pain points or challenges that this customer is facing?
  • What are the benefits that this product can provide to the customer?
  • How does this product differentiate itself from other similar products in the market?
  • What are the core values and principles that this product should embody?

Based on your answers to these questions, you might create a product vision statement like this:

"Our product is a comprehensive financial management tool that helps busy professionals make smart financial decisions. By leveraging the latest in machine learning and artificial intelligence, our tool provides personalized insights and recommendations that are tailored to each user's unique financial situation. Our tool is easy to use and offers a streamlined, intuitive interface that helps users quickly access the information they need. Our goal is to empower our users to take control of their finances, achieve their financial goals, and live their best lives."

To bring this vision to life, you might create a product vision board that captures key elements of the product vision in a visual format. The vision board might include images and words that represent the key features, benefits, and values of the product. For example, the vision board might include images of happy, successful people, as well as graphics that represent financial insights and recommendations.


In conclusion, the product owner is a crucial member of the Agile team who contributes to the product vision by translating business goals into a product roadmap that aligns with the company's strategic direction. The product owner serves as the visionary leader who inspires the team to work towards the product vision and comes up with creative solutions. The product owner can use tools such as the product vision board to visualize the product vision and ensure alignment with the business goals.