How To Deal With Non-Cooperative Team Members On A Scrum Team

GoRetro Team
December 7, 2022
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Scrum teams are often made up of people from different backgrounds, with varying skills and experiences. It can be challenging to manage a Scrum team when its members are not cooperative. Non-cooperative team members can make it difficult to reach consensus on important decisions, create an environment of distrust, and disrupt the flow of work.

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to deal with non-cooperative team members on a Scrum team. The key is to address the problem head-on and take action to ensure everyone is working together effectively.

7 tips for dealing with Non-Cooperative Team Members

1. Establish clear guidelines and expectations: Make sure all team members understand the agreed upon goals and objectives for the project or sprint as well as what is expected in terms of cooperation between them. This will help set the tone for how everybody should interact with each other and work towards achieving success.

2. Encourage open dialogue: Encourage an open dialogue between all team members so that problems or issues can be discussed openly without fear or judgement. This will help foster better communication which will lead to more productive discussions around potential solutions or compromises that everyone can agree on.

3. Identify underlying causes: If a team member is exhibiting non-cooperative behavior, try to identify any underlying causes such as stress, personal issues, lack of motivation etc., so that you can work together on finding ways to address these issues in order for them to become more engaged in the process again.

4. Actively listen: Take time out during meetings or one-on-ones with your non-cooperative team member(s) to really listen and understand what they have to say without interrupting them or jumping straight into offering solutions yourself before they have had a chance to express their opinion fully first.

5. Acknowledge contributions: Acknowledge every contribution from all your team members regardless of whether it was successful or not – it’s important that everyone feels valued for their efforts which will encourage them to stay engaged in future tasks too!

6. Stay positive: It’s easy for morale within a Scrum team drop if someone isn’t cooperating but try your best not let this affect you personally as this could further contribute negatively towards the overall atmosphere within the group - instead focus on staying positive and encouraging others too!

7. Be flexible & patient: Remind yourself that patience is key when dealing with non-cooperative behavior - try your best not let frustration get in the way by being flexible with deadlines/timelines if needed while always remaining professional throughout any conversations/discussions you have with anyone involved in order ensure that progress still gets made even if it takes longer than initially anticipated!