Should You Include Non-Development Tasks In Your Product Backlog?

GoRetro Team
December 7, 2022
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When it comes to creating a product backlog for any type of project, there’s often a lot of debate about what should be included. Many Scrum teams focus on the technical aspects of the project and create a backlog that only includes development tasks. However, only focusing on these items can lead to problems down the line and limit your project’s potential success. That’s why it’s important to consider including non-development tasks in your product backlog.

What are Non-Development tasks?

To begin with, it’s important to understand what non-development tasks are. These are tasks that don’t involve actually writing code or designing an application but are still necessary for the successful completion of the project. Examples include: user research, setting up test environments, writing documentation, creating sprint goals etc. These tasks are often overlooked in favor of focusing on development efforts but they can have a huge impact on the overall success of the project if done properly.

Including non-development tasks in your product backlog can help ensure that all aspects of the project get attention. By having them listed in the same place as development tasks, you can make sure that you don't overlook anything important when creating schedules and delegating resources. Additionally, including these types of tasks makes it easier for stakeholders to understand how much time is being spent on each aspect of the project and helps them make informed decisions about resource allocation and timelines.

Benefits of including Non-Development Tasks in your Product Backlog

Another benefit is that by including non-development items in your product backlog, you can more accurately estimate the required timeframe that the project needs before deployment, and therefore mitigate risks associated with launching new products or features. This is especially helpful when projects involve multiple teams working together since it allows everyone involved to see what needs to be completed before launch day arrives.

Finally, including non-development items in your product backlog gives team members a sense of ownership over their work which helps motivate them throughout the duration of a project. By allowing team members to take part in defining requirements and outlining deadlines they become more engaged with their work which leads to higher quality outcomes overall.


In conclusion, including non-development items in your product backlog has benefits for both teams working on projects as well as stakeholders invested in its success or failure. By including all-development tasks, you ensure that all aspects of a project are given due consideration throughout its planning and execution stages which will ultimately lead to greater success in the future.

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