What Are Two Common PI Planning Anti-Patterns?

GoRetro Team
May 28, 2023
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In the fast-paced world of software development, efficiency and collaboration are paramount. That's where PI Planning (Program Increment Planning) comes into play. It's a crucial component of Agile and Scrum methodologies that helps teams align their goals and prioritize work. However, just like any process, there are potential pitfalls to watch out for. In this blog post, we will explore two common anti-patterns that can hinder the effectiveness of PI planning and discuss how to prevent them.

What is PI Planning?

Before delving into the anti-patterns, let's briefly define PI planning. PI planning is a collaborative event in Agile and Scrum methodologies that brings together cross-functional teams to align on objectives and plan their work for a fixed time frame, typically a Program Increment. It provides a structured forum where teams can coordinate and synchronize their efforts, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards a shared vision.

Why is PI Planning so important?

PI planning serves as a vital foundation for successful software development. It offers several benefits that contribute to project success and team collaboration. By facilitating clear communication and shared understanding, it helps in identifying dependencies, minimizing risks, and maximizing efficiency. PI planning promotes a sense of collective ownership and empowers teams to deliver value iteratively, fostering a more collaborative and productive work environment.

What are two common PI planning anti-patterns?

Despite its many advantages, PI planning can be prone to anti-patterns—common pitfalls that hinder the effectiveness of the process. Let's explore two of them:

Overly Detailed Planning

One common anti-pattern is excessive focus on detailed planning during PI planning sessions. While it's essential to have a clear roadmap, spending an excessive amount of time on granular details can hinder adaptability. Agile methodologies emphasize the value of flexibility and responsiveness to change. Overly detailed planning can restrict the team's ability to embrace new insights and adjust their course accordingly. Instead, focus on outlining high-level goals and priorities, allowing for more flexibility in execution.

Lack of Cross-Team Collaboration

Another anti-pattern that can impede the success of PI planning is the absence of effective cross-team collaboration. PI planning involves multiple teams working together towards a common objective. Failing to foster collaboration and coordination among teams can lead to misalignment, duplication of efforts, and missed dependencies. It is crucial to encourage open communication, promote knowledge sharing, and create opportunities for cross-team collaboration throughout the planning process.

How To Prevent Pi Planning Anti-Patterns

Preventing these anti-patterns requires a proactive approach. Here are a few strategies to mitigate the risks:

Balance Detail and Flexibility: Strike a balance between detailed planning and adaptability. Identify the key objectives and outcomes you want to achieve, but remain open to adjusting plans as new information emerges. Embrace Agile principles by focusing on delivering value incrementally rather than getting caught up in excessive planning.

Foster Cross-Team Collaboration: Encourage open communication channels and promote a culture of collaboration across teams. Facilitate regular meetings, such as scrum of scrums or integration sessions, where representatives from each team can share updates, align on priorities, and identify potential dependencies. By fostering a collaborative environment, teams can leverage each other's expertise and work cohesively towards shared goals.

Set Realistic Timeframes: Allocate sufficient time for the PI Planning event to allow for comprehensive discussions and decision-making. Rushing through the planning process can lead to overlooked details and hasty decision-making. Adequate time allocation promotes thoroughness and enables teams to address potential impediments and dependencies.


PI planning is a critical element of Agile and Scrum methodologies that helps teams align their efforts and deliver value collaboratively. However, two common anti-patterns—overly detailed planning and a lack of cross-team collaboration—can hinder its effectiveness. By striking a balance between detail and flexibility and fostering cross-team collaboration, teams can prevent these anti-patterns and maximize the benefits of PI planning. Remember, the goal

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