Best Questions to Ask in Your Daily Stand-Up

Ruth Hadari
Ruth Hadari
Agile Advocate, Engineering Ops Expert
Posted on
Jul 19, 2023
Updated on
Jul 19, 2023
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In the realm of Agile and Scrum methodologies, the daily stand-up meeting holds a crucial place. It's a brief gathering where team members come together to sync up, share progress, and align their efforts. One key aspect that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a daily stand-up is the art of asking good questions. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of asking the right questions during the daily stand-up and provide you with a curated list of 20 amazing questions to make your stand-ups more productive and engaging.

What Is the Daily Stand-Up?

The daily stand-up, also known as the daily scrum, is a short, time-boxed meeting that occurs within a scrum team. It serves as a daily check-in to foster collaboration, transparency, and progress tracking. Typically, these meetings are held at the same time and place each day, standing up (hence the name) to keep the energy high and the discussion focused.

Why Is It Important to Ask Good Questions at the Daily Stand-Up?

Asking good questions during the daily stand-up brings immense value to the team. It encourages active participation, stimulates critical thinking, and helps uncover potential issues or bottlenecks. Thoughtful questions can steer the conversation towards important topics and provide a deeper understanding of the team's progress and challenges. By asking the right questions, team members can build trust, foster collaboration, and promote a culture of continuous improvement.

What Makes a Good Question for the Daily Stand-Up?

A good question for the daily stand-up possesses certain qualities that make it effective and impactful. Let's delve deeper into the characteristics that define a good question:

1. Relevance

A good question should be directly related to the team's goals, current tasks, or any potential obstacles they might be facing. It should align with the purpose of the daily stand-up, which is to provide a quick overview of progress and identify any impediments. By asking relevant questions, you keep the focus on the most important aspects and ensure that the discussion remains productive.

For example: instead of asking a generic question like, "How's everything going?" you could ask, "What progress have you made on the critical feature we're working on?"

2. Open-endedness

Questions that elicit more than a simple "yes" or "no" response encourage team members to provide meaningful insights and share valuable information. Open-ended questions promote thoughtful responses, fostering deeper discussions and uncovering valuable perspectives.

For example: instead of asking, "Did you complete your assigned tasks?" a more effective open-ended question would be, "What progress have you made on your assigned tasks and what challenges, if any, have you encountered?"

3. Engagement

A well-crafted question should spark engagement and promote active participation from all team members, fostering a collaborative environment. It should encourage everyone to contribute their thoughts, experiences, and concerns, making the daily stand-up a platform for open dialogue and knowledge sharing.

Consider asking questions that invite different perspectives, for example: "How do you think we can improve collaboration among team members?" This encourages individuals to reflect on the topic and share their ideas, creating an engaging and inclusive atmosphere.

4. Empathy

Questions that show empathy and understanding towards team members' challenges and achievements can strengthen relationships and build trust within the team. They demonstrate that you genuinely care about their well-being and value their contributions.

For example: instead of simply asking about progress, you could inquire, "Is there anything you need support with to overcome the current roadblocks?" This conveys empathy and offers assistance, fostering a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable asking for help when needed.

Remember, a good question not only prompts insightful responses but also encourages active listening among team members. It should promote a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and mutual support.

By considering the qualities of relevance, open-endedness, engagement, and empathy when crafting your questions, you can generate meaningful discussions during the daily stand-up, leading to better alignment, problem-solving, and progress tracking.

20 Amazing Daily Stand-Up Questions

  1. What did you accomplish yesterday?
  2. Are there any roadblocks impeding your progress?
  3. How can we assist each other in achieving our goals for today?
  4. Is there any task that requires additional clarity or refinement?
  5. Have any unexpected issues arisen since our last stand-up?
  6. Is there anything you need to escalate or bring to the team's attention?
  7. What is the most important task you plan to accomplish today?
  8. Are there any dependencies that might affect your work or the work of others?
  9. Have you identified any potential risks or challenges in the upcoming tasks?
  10. Do you foresee any need for adjustments in the project timeline?
  11. Are there any opportunities for knowledge sharing or cross-training?
  12. What steps have you taken to improve collaboration with other team members?
  13. Are there any lessons learned from yesterday's work that can benefit the team?
  14. Have you discovered any new tools or techniques that could enhance our productivity?
  15. Is there any feedback or suggestions you would like to share with the team?
  16. What are you doing differently today to improve your efficiency?
  17. How can we better align our efforts with the overall project objectives?
  18. Are there any improvements we can make to our development processes?
  19. Have you celebrated any achievements or milestones recently?
  20. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or highlight before we wrap up?


Asking good questions during your daily stand-up meetings can transform them from mundane status updates into valuable and engaging discussions. The right questions have the power to uncover insights, address challenges, and foster a collaborative environment within your Agile team. Remember to focus on relevance, open-endedness, engagement, and empathy when crafting your questions.

Embrace the daily stand-up as an opportunity to connect with your team, align your efforts, and celebrate achievements. Encourage active participation from all members and create an inclusive space where everyone's voice is valued. With the power of good questions, you can turn your daily stand-up into a valuable ritual that propels your team towards success.

About the author

Ruth Hadari
Agile Advocate, Engineering Ops Expert

Highly experienced in leading multi-organizational teams, groups, in-shore as well as off-shore. The go-to person who is able to simplify the complex. An agile advocate, experienced in all common methodologies. Responsible for the entire software development lifecycle process from development, QA, DevOps, Automation to delivery including overall planning, direction, coordination, execution, implementation, control and completion. Drives execution, and communicates on status, risks, metrics, risk-mitigation and processes across R&D.

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