Everything You Need to Know about Big Room Planning

Ruth Hadari
Ruth Hadari
Agile Advocate, Engineering Ops Expert
Posted on
May 23, 2023
Updated on
May 23, 2023
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In the world of software development and Agile methodologies, effective planning is crucial for success. One planning technique that has gained popularity is Big Room Planning (BRP). BRP brings teams together to collaborate, align their goals, and synchronize their efforts. In this blog post, we'll explore what Big Room Planning is, its advantages, how to use it effectively, and even provide you with a Big Room Planning template. So, let's dive in!

What is Big Room Planning?

Big Room Planning, often abbreviated as BRP, is a collaborative and time-boxed planning event where teams come together to align their work and create a shared understanding of the upcoming goals and initiatives. This technique is commonly used in Agile and Scrum environments to foster collaboration, communication, and transparency.

During BRP, representatives from different teams, including developers, product owners, Scrum Masters, and stakeholders, gather in a physical or virtual room to discuss and plan upcoming work. It's like a symphony where each team plays its part, but the goal is to create harmonious music together.

What are the Advantages of Big Room Planning?

Big Room Planning offers several advantages that can significantly benefit your software development projects. Here are some key advantages:

Alignment: BRP helps teams align their efforts towards common objectives. By bringing everyone together, it promotes a shared understanding of goals, priorities, and dependencies. This alignment reduces misunderstandings, duplication of efforts, and wasted time.

Collaboration: BRP encourages collaboration and cross-functional communication. Teams have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and solve problems together. By breaking down silos and fostering a collaborative environment, BRP strengthens the team's ability to deliver high-quality software.

Transparency: During BRP, all participants gain visibility into the upcoming work and its impact on various teams. This transparency allows for early identification of potential bottlenecks, resource constraints, or conflicting priorities. By addressing these issues proactively, teams can minimize delays, remove impediments and deliver value faster.

How to Use Big Room Planning

To make the most out of Big Room Planning, consider the following steps:

Preparation: Before the BRP session, ensure that the goals, objectives, and high-level initiatives are well-defined. Gather the necessary information and share it with the participants in advance. This preparation enables productive discussions during the session.

Facilitation: Designate a skilled facilitator who can guide the BRP session effectively. The facilitator should ensure that all voices are heard, discussions stay focused, and decisions are made collaboratively. Their role is crucial in maintaining a constructive and inclusive environment.

Time-boxed sessions: BRP sessions are typically time-boxed, ranging from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the scale of the planning. By setting time limits, you encourage teams to prioritize discussions and decisions, promoting efficiency and preventing unnecessary delays.

Visualize the plan: During BRP, use visual aids like online whiteboards, online sticky notes, or digital tools to create a visual representation of the plan. This visualization helps teams see the big picture, identify dependencies, and gain a shared understanding of the work ahead.

Big Room Planning Template

To help you get started with Big Room Planning (BRP), here's a detailed and descriptive template that you can adapt to your specific needs:

Objective: Clearly define the overall objective or theme for the planning session. This could be the release of a new software feature, the start of a new project, or the alignment of multiple teams for a specific goal. Having a clear objective ensures that all participants understand the purpose of the BRP session.

Agenda: Outline the schedule and topics to be discussed during the BRP session. Break down the agenda into time slots, allowing sufficient time for each topic. Consider including the following agenda items:

  • Introduction and icebreaker activities: Start the session by allowing participants to introduce themselves, get to know each other, and build rapport.
  • Review of previous commitments: Take a few minutes to review the commitments made during the previous BRP session or planning events. This helps teams track progress and identify any unresolved issues or dependencies.
  • Presentation of high-level initiatives/epics: Present the major initiatives or epics that need to be planned during the session. Provide an overview of each initiative, including its purpose, expected outcomes, and key stakeholders.
  • Breakout sessions for detailed planning: Divide participants into smaller groups based on the initiatives/epics. Each group should consist of representatives from different teams involved in the initiative. Allocate sufficient time for these breakout sessions, allowing teams to discuss and plan the work in detail.
  • Cross-team coordination and dependency mapping: Bring all teams back together to discuss cross-team dependencies and potential risks. Identify areas where teams need to collaborate closely and address any conflicts or overlaps.
  • Capacity planning and resource allocation: Allocate resources and determine team capacity based on the planned work. Discuss resource constraints, skill gaps, and potential solutions to ensure a balanced workload across teams.
  • Review and adjustments: Review the planned work, ensuring that it aligns with the overall objectives and meets the required deadlines. Make necessary adjustments or refinements based on the discussions and feedback received during the session.
  • Closing remarks and next steps: Wrap up the BRP session by summarizing the key decisions made, highlighting any action items or follow-up tasks, and sharing the next steps for execution.

Attendees: List the teams, roles, and stakeholders who should participate in the BRP session. Include representatives from development teams, product owners, Scrum Masters, project managers, business analysts, and any other relevant roles. Engage key stakeholders who can provide valuable insights and decision-making authority.

Initiatives/Epics: Identify the major initiatives or epics that will be discussed and planned during the BRP session. Provide a brief description of each initiative, including its business value, scope, and expected outcomes. It's essential to prioritize initiatives based on their strategic importance and feasibility.

Deliverables and Milestones: Define the key deliverables and milestones associated with each initiative/epic. These deliverables could include specific software features, prototypes, or completed project phases. Setting clear milestones helps track progress and provides a sense of achievement as the work unfolds.

Dependencies: Identify any dependencies between initiatives/epics and teams. Clearly document these dependencies, including any constraints or risks they may pose. Understanding and addressing dependencies upfront allows teams to plan effectively and mitigate potential bottlenecks or delays.

Success Criteria: Establish measurable success criteria for each feature/epic. These criteria can be tied to key performance indicators (KPIs), such as customer satisfaction, time-to-market, or return on investment. Setting success criteria enables teams to track progress and evaluate the impact of their efforts.

Communication Plan: Define a communication plan to ensure that information flows effectively before, during, and after the BRP session. Consider the following aspects:

  • Communication channels: Determine the primary channels through which participants will communicate, such as in-person meetings, video conferences, or collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
  • Regular updates: Establish a schedule for providing regular updates to all stakeholders involved. This can be in the form of progress reports, status meetings, or email updates, depending on the preference of the teams.
  • Documentation: Emphasize the importance of documenting decisions, action items, and any changes made during the BRP session. This documentation ensures that everyone has a clear understanding of the agreed-upon plans and serves as a reference for future discussions.
  • Transparency: Encourage open and transparent communication among teams throughout the planning process. Foster an environment where questions, concerns, and suggestions can be shared freely, promoting a collaborative atmosphere.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Allocate time during the BRP session to discuss potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. Identify possible obstacles or challenges that may arise during the execution of the planned work. By proactively addressing risks, teams can reduce the impact of unforeseen issues and keep the project on track.

Follow-up and Review: Plan for regular follow-up sessions to review progress, assess the effectiveness of the planning, and make necessary adjustments. These sessions can take the form of shorter check-ins or subsequent BRP sessions, depending on the duration and complexity of the project. Regular reviews ensure that the plans remain relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances.


Big Room Planning (BRP) is a powerful technique for achieving alignment, collaboration, and transparency among teams in software development projects. By bringing together representatives from different teams and stakeholders, BRP enables effective planning, coordination, and decision-making. Utilize the provided template as a starting point, adapting it to suit your specific needs. Embrace the collaborative nature of BRP and leverage its advantages to drive successful software development endeavors. Remember, the symphony of teamwork plays best when all the players are in harmony. So, gather your teams, plan big, and achieve great things with Big Room Planning!

About the author

Ruth Hadari
Agile Advocate, Engineering Ops Expert

Highly experienced in leading multi-organizational teams, groups, in-shore as well as off-shore. The go-to person who is able to simplify the complex. An agile advocate, experienced in all common methodologies. Responsible for the entire software development lifecycle process from development, QA, DevOps, Automation to delivery including overall planning, direction, coordination, execution, implementation, control and completion. Drives execution, and communicates on status, risks, metrics, risk-mitigation and processes across R&D.

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